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THG SHPK For years now Tobacco Holding Group operates and develops its activity in Albania and Kosovo thus becoming one of the most important Albanian companies in the region. Kompania

Let’s live together, better

Pernod Ricard is a French company that produces alcoholic beverages. The company’s eponymous products, Pernod Anise and Ricard Pastis, are both anise-flavoured pastis apéritifs and are often referred to simply as Pernod or Ricard. The company also produces several other types of pastis. Our Brands

Always the best

The geographical position of Kosovo and specific climatic conditions, crystal clean waters, since the Illyrians, has given the city of Peja a pearl called Peja Beer. Our Brands

Everyone needs Prince Caffe

Since 2002, Devolli Prince Caffe has collaborated with coffee producers from all over the world to accurately select the best Arabian beans.
The modern factory is equipped with the highest quality Italian technology for coffee production. Our Brands

Choose Smart Energy

Green energy looks set to be part of the future of the world, offering a cleaner alternative to many of today’s energy sources. Readily replenished, these energy sources are not just good for the environment, but are also leading to job creation and look set to become economically viable as developments continue.The goal of Tobacco Holding Group and its companies for many years has been to use more green energy and more environmentally-friendly alternatives.We already use paperless indernal and external procedures in our everyday work, use solar energy for heating and plan to expand it more. For the last years we have changed part of our fleet to electric cars to reduce carbon emissions and our goal is to convert as many of our distribuition fleet to use renewable energy. We have many projects toward being eco-friendly for a better planet and a better tomorrow.


1. Our Products 1400+

We cover a wide range

We represent premium brands in many categories. The wide range of products we cover are present in all sales channels and are leader on the market. Our dedication and portfolio of high quality products is a combo that drives growth.

2. Customer Network 10000+

Our big customer network

THG is present in two markets, Albania and Kosovo. A solid relation with our customers is the key. We have one of the largest distribution networks covering the country. A partnership based on trust and loyalty.

3.Distribution fleet 500+

Any time you need us

Available all the time, you call we respond. Flexible and with a fast response and delivery time we are there with our expertise, creating economic opportunities and possibilities by covering direct sales and wholesale.